HANNA HI1053B Konik Uçlu ve BNC Konnektörlü pH Elektrodu
Double Junction Reference
A double junction electrode has an internal compartment surrounding the reference wire. Silver ions are present in the electrolyte of the internal compartment, which houses the Ag/AgCl reference wire; the electrolyte outside this compartment is silver free. The double junction design means that virtually no silver from the electrode enters the sample. This design allows measurement in applications where silver ions in the sample are undesirable or for samples that contains sulfides that can cause the silver to precipitate and clog the junction. Clogging of the junction will result in drifty and erratic readings.
The HI1053B is a refillable probe. Since it is a double junction pH electrode, the fill solution is the HI7082 3.5M KCl. This solution does not contain any silver which is necessary for single junction electrode fill solutions.
BNC Connector
The HI1053B uses a BNC connector. This type of connector is universal in that it can be used on any pH meter that has the female BNC probe input. Other type of connectors include DIN, screw type, T-type, and 3.5mm to name a few. These types of connectors tend to be proprietary for a particular type of meter and are not interchangeable.

Conventional electrodes are normally single junction. As depicted by the figure above, these electrodes have only a single junction between the internal refernce wire and the external solution. Under adverse conditions, such as high pressure, high temperature, highly acidic or alkaline solutions, the positive flow of the electrolyte through the junction is often reversed resulting in the ingress of sample solution into the reference compartment. If this is left unchecked, the reference electrode can become contaminated, leading to complete electrode failure. Another potential problem with single junction electrodes is the clogging of the junction due to silver chloride (AgCl) precipitation. Silver can be easily precipitate in samples that contain Tris buffer, sulfides or heavy metals. When the electrolyte solution makes contact with the sample, some AgCl will precipitate on the external face of the junction. The result is drifty readings obtained from the sensor.
Hanna’s double junction system, as the name implies, has two junctions, only one of which is in contact with the sample as shown in the figure. Under adverse conditions, the same tendency of sample ingress is evident. However, as the reference electrode system is separated physically from the intermediate electrolyte area, the contamination of the electrode is minimized. The likelihood of clogging of the junction is also reduced with a double junction electrode since the outer reference cell uses a fill solution that is "silver-free”. Since there is no silver present, there is no precipitate forming to clog the junction.
Body Material | glass |
Reference | double, Ag/AgCl |
Junction / Flow Rate | ceramic, triple / 40-50 μL/h |
Electrolyte | 3.5M KCl |
Range | pH: 0 to 12 |
Max Pressure | 0.1 bar |
Tip Shape | conic (12 x 12 mm) |
Diameter | 12 mm |
Body Length / Overall Length | 120 mm / 175.5 mm |
Recommended Operating Temperature | -5 to 70°C (23 to 158°F) |
Temperature Sensor | no |
Matching Pin | no |
Amplifier | no |
Digital | no |
Cable | coaxial; 1 m (3.3’) |
Connection | BNC |
Applications | emulsions, fats and creams, low conductivity solutions, potable water, semi-solid products, soil samples |
Warranty | 6 months |